
Topologies de l’instant (Topologies of the instant)

Seeing dance is grasping it at the instant in several performance spaces. Movement may be perceived in the continuous transformation of all these instants. Understanding the nature of this continuity is seeing dance and movement as topologies of the instant.

Topologies de l'instant. Catalogue Actes Sud, 2001. Texts by Daniel Dobbels, Claudine Galéa & Pierre Bongiovanni

Credits titles

concept & direction: Nicole Corsino, Norbert Corsino

performers: Ana Teixido, Carme Vidal, Nicole Corsino, Norbert Corsino

writing: Claudine Galéa

music: Jacques Diennet

direction of photography: Massimo Gardone, Alessandra Muran

3D scenographic design: Patrick Zanoli

developer: Samuel Toulouse

computer graphics: Cyrille Cramesnil de Laleu

interactivity architecture: Frédérique Rose

image design: Bernard Bats

editing: Marie-Laure Florin

concept & technical direction: Etienne Grandguillot

constructions: Eric Doloris, Sylvain Georget, Charles Grossir

Production Partners

Danse 34, Productions, CICV Pierre Schaeffer, City of Marseille, Cultural Affairs Department

With the support of the French Ministry of Culture, the DRAC Cultural Affairs Department of PACA (the Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur region), DICREAM, the PACA Regional Council, the General Council of the Bouches-du-Rhône area

With the participation of: Marseille Objectif Danse, Sté Métapages, Sté Utram


AFAA (Association Française d’Action Artistique), International Exchanges Department of the City of Marseille, PACA (Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur) Regional Council, the DRAC Cultural Affairs Department of the PACA region, Cultural Department of the French Embassy, Beijing, French Consulate, Shanghai, and French Consulate, Hong Kong.

Institut Français Moscow, Sony Russia, Raiffaisen Bank