
SCENE44 I Co Dodescaden


10 & 11 October 2024 - 7pm
duration : 55’

Jellyselfish («gelée d'égo») is a choreographic piece that tries to bring out paradoxical, comic and terrifying figures, built from the new forces of power that govern our contemporary society, both oppressive and filled with fantasy.
Jellyselfish was created at the Centre for Contemporary Art Glasgow during the REPLAYING IT AGAIN symposium from 14 to 18 May 2024.

Performance by Dodescaden with Laurence Maillot, Nathalie Masseglia, Jérémy Demesmaeker and Baptiste Buob
Scenography, music lights: Jérémy Demesmaeker and Boléro de Ravel (excerpt)
Images: Baptiste Buob

Production: Mali Kadi - Cie Dodescaden
Co-productions: Labex Les passés dans le présent CNRS in the framework of the Projet (Re)play it again: reenactments et non reconstituables (répit) carried by Histoire des Arts et des Représentations (HAR) — EA 4414, UPN and the Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative (LESC) — UMR 7186, UPN-CNRS), Lavoir Théâtre – Menton as part of the "Éclosion" device, SCENE44 . n + n Corsino – Marseille, The Hunterian Art Gallery - University of Glasgow.
Partners: France : SCENE44 n+n Corsino – Marseille, AMACCA de la Roya, Lavoir Théâtre - Menton, MOD Marseille Objectif Danse. En Ecosse : The Hunterian Art Gallery, The ARC : Advanced research Centre - Glasgow , University of Glasgow, CCA — Center for Contemporary Arts de Glasgow

Dodescaden is a company based in Marseille, managed by Laurence Maillot and Jérémy Demesmaeker. Their different choreographic pieces are the result of a creative process that mixes dance, music and theatre, resulting from observations and studies of affected bodies in our contemporary societies. Since their first piece, Rues Intérieures, in 2014, their choreographic ambition has been to invent spaces of resistance as well as possible spaces of emancipation, allowing the emergence of a being reinvented in the contemporary world. Their work always involves the invention of new rituals, in the sense of creating a community of the moment. It’s always about dance and theatre.