
Actoral 20 / SCENE44  I Liz Santoro & Pierre Godard - STEREO

Fri 02 Oct 2020 — 7pm30 l Sat 03 Oct 2020 — 6pm

Liz Santoro and Pierre Godard make their shows as “choreographic machines” where language and movement interact, extreme rigour and playful uncertainty.  Stereo is based on a device as simple as disturbing. From a video fragment taken from Liz Santoro without her knowledge, they deconstruct and then reconstruct an intricate material of text and movement.
The movement is given on stage by Liz Santoro, through numerous filters and transformations, while Cynthia Koppe transcribes the original text-material in real time and remotely, by a video conferencing and screen sharing system. Which link between distant bodies? Which medium to choose for which message?
And what space to live in disfluence? Here, we seek to know what the volume of a single volume can contain, to measure the distance that separates us from ourselves, to put the gaze before the responsibility and enjoyment of his choice.

conception: Liz Santoro & Pierre Godard
In collaboration with Cynthia Koppe
Interpretation: Liz Santoro
Medium: Cynthia Koppe
Space: Mélanie Rattier
Music: Greg Beller
Light: Laïs Foulc
Costumes: David Anselme
Credits: Antoine Billet
Coproduction: Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, Le Gymnase-CDCN Roubaix/Hauts-de-France, CCN Orléans; with the support of Arcadi Île-de-France and l'Atelier de Paris/CDCN.
The uncertainty principle has received the support of the DRAC Île-de-France as part of the project support. The company is contracted by the Ministry of Culture-DRAC Île-de-France as part of the structuring aid since January 2019.
Actoral20 / SCENE44 . n + n corsino